Tudományos Szieszta

Földrajz és Környezettudományi Intézet


(Természettudományi Pályaorientációs és Módszertani Központ)

Külső kapcsolatok

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Environmental Studies BSc.

Specialisation: Field environmental expert - Technology - Teacher

Course description

Importance of environmental science is of utmost importance recently. A frequent demand for many nowadays is not only to hear about the problems of environment protection but also to acquire appropriate knowledge to be able to solve them. We can only protect our environment and make others understand its importance if we have well established, comprehensive knowledge ourselves. Program of Environmental Science fulfils this aim through practice oriented education.


During their studies students acquire comprehensive knowledge based on the overall character of Environmental Science. Besides special knowledge of the major they acquire one of Natural Sciences related to environment protection which offer them wide range of occupation.

Students of field environmental expert specialisation will mostly be able to do various field examinations in the country, so forestries, national parks, green organisations, forest schools, public organisations can provide them with jobs. Environmental Science basic program offers them an insight into environmental problems making them capable for more complex jobs eg. at local governments.

At waste managements specialisation they get basic knowledge of how to solve a most topical environmental problem caused by waste so they have good chances on the labour market. Practical education is done in cooperation with various institutions and companies.

It can be developed to become an environment science teacher since the most complex environmental knowledge can be acquired here.

Focus of the training

The aim of the program is the training of applied environmental research experts possessing a modern natural science perspective along with foreign language proficiency required for international scholarly cooperation and the studying of relevant professional texts. Graduates familiar with the basic aspects of Mathematics, Informatics, Chemistry, Physics, Geo-science, and Biology will be able to utilise their knowledge in applied environmental science, in addition to performing relevant practical and environmental administration tasks and they can continue their studies in second cycle M.A. programs.

Our major is outstanding from similar trainings with its high number of practical lessons (up to 50%) since our aim is to provide practical highly utilisable knowledge. During the program it is possible to get a mushroom expert, official tour leader or civil ranger certificate besides the degree thus improving chances of occupation.

Domestic and foreign field trips, practices at companies, trips and excursions organised by Environment Protection Department give insight into fields of environment and nature protection and make it possible to learn beauties and values of nature.

General information

  • Name of qualification in the degree: Applied environmental research expert
  • Course length: 3 years, 6 semesters, 180 credits
  • Form of study: Full-time and correspondence training
  • Language requirements: Intermediate, complex (oral and written) exam
  • Entry requirements: Two final exams from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geography, Informatics, Mathematics, Natural Sciences subjects.
  • Peculiarities of the program: Up to 50% of all the lessons are practical ones.

Eszterházy Károly College
Department of Environmental Sciences
Address: 3300. Eger, Leányka u. 6.
Contact person: Dr. Kárász Imre
Tel: 36-520-400/4167, 4168
e-mail: kornytud [kukac] ektf [dot] hu




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