Tudományos Szieszta

Földrajz és Környezettudományi Intézet


(Természettudományi Pályaorientációs és Módszertani Központ)

Külső kapcsolatok

FutureRFID - Az RFID/NFC technológia továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei az "Internet of Things" koncepciói mentén - TÁMOP pályázat
Alkalmazható természettudományok oktatása a Tudásalapú Társadalomban - TÁMOP pályázat
EKF TTK Mesterképzés a Tudásalapú Társadalom szolgálatában - TÁMOP pályázat

Chemistry BSc.

Specialisations: Teacher - Winemaker-analyst

Course description

Attraction of chemistry is experiments: students have plenty of possibilities to deepen their theoretical knowledge in practice. Our profession has met rapid growth in the past century and chances are that this tendency is to continue. So future is for chemists!

If "Wine is king of solutions" - who is more authentic to deal with it, if not a chemist? Learning maturing, developing processes of wine it is possible to change chance for consciousness.

Food safety, protection of origin, healthy lifestyle are all disciplines which cannot be managed without analitical examinations.


There are good chances to be involved in various M.Sc, then PhD program sin several universities of the country.

Chemical industry is still considered to be a leading one, there are numerous potential vacancies.

Chemistry teachers are more and more looked for recently.

Winemaking of Hungary and that of our wine region is of great, dynamically developing economic power. Improvement and sustainability of quality requires adequately trained professionals.

Focus of the training

The aim of the program is the training of professional experts having up-to-date science perspective and high level chemistry knowledge. Those completing the requirements of the program acquire high level content of general natural science and informatics enabling them to further their knowledge on their own in addition to processing the results of domestic and international professional literature. Furthermore, the acquired theoretical knowledge will enable graduates to continue their studies in second cycle M.A. programs.

General information

  • Name of qualification in the degree: Chemist
  • Course length: 3 years, 6 semesters, 180 credits
  • Form of study: Full-time and correspondence training
  • Language requirements: Intermediate, complex (oral and written) exam
  • Entry requirements: Intermediate level final exam of two of the following subjects: biology, physics, geography, chemistry, mathematics, natural sciences
  • Special features of the program: Those opting for winemaker-analyst specialisation have possibility to see the work of several well-known wineries of Eger learning the base of the technology, specialities of the wine region. Part of practical placement is done in laboratories of wineries and food safety firms.

Address: Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
3300. Eger, Leányka út 6.
Contact: Dr. Murányi Zoltán
Tel: 36/520-471,
e-mail: mzperx [kukac] ektf [dot] hu
web: ttk.ektf.hu/kemia/




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