Tudományos Szieszta

Földrajz és Környezettudományi Intézet


(Természettudományi Pályaorientációs és Módszertani Központ)

Külső kapcsolatok

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Geography BSc.

Course description:

The aim of our undergraduate course is to train such geographers whose modern natural science approach and foreign language proficiency enable them to independently get further knowledge within their chosen professional field. Graduates will master the theoretical and methodological foundations necessary for the understanding of the natural and socio-economic environment in addition to their communities and settlements. Our students can choose local and regional development as a specialisation which is an academic one, so they can take an MSc course, or choose a teacher’s specialisation to get an MA degree.


After graduating our students can continue their studies in a two-year master program (MA/MSc) at Hungarian and foreign universities, and then they may go to PhD courses for three years.

Our BSc students specialised in Regional Development acquire complex theoretical knowledge and obtain a wide range of practical experience as well. As a result, our students will become experts who are equipped with motivation based on real regional approach. Furthermore, they will be able to tackle different sectoral problems in a comprehensive way aiming at the options holistically.

Focus of the training:

Having graduated our geographers will be able to:

  • Work up and critically evaluate literature
  • Recognize specific features and interactions of natural and social processes
  • Interpret principles, structures, interactions and changes of nature and socio-geographical systems on the basis of their key elements.
  • Analyze and model geographical and spatial data, evaluate, display and map the results
  • Define spatial order of processes taking place in the natural and social environment.
  • Answer professional questions related to environment, landscape qualification, regional and spatial analysis, elaborate the background of professional decisions
  • Manage datebase of laboratory, field and socio-geographical data, and analyze them with geoscientific means
  • Make a professional analysis necessary for the preparation of decisions in their special field

General information:

  • Name of qualification in the degree: certified geographer (BSc)
  • Course length: (year/semester/credit): 6 semesters, 180 credits
  • Form of study: full time and correspondence courses
  • Language requirements: state-accredited intermediate language exam or an equivalent secondary school leaving certificate
  • Peculiarities: The students of the course take part in physical and socio-geographical field work. Students choosing Local and Regional Development specialisation may perform their practice at local governments, at regional development institutions or at companies.

Address: Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
3300. Eger, Leányka út 8.
Contact person: Dr. Pajtókné dr. Tari Ilona, Head of department, pajtokil [kukac] ektf [dot] hu




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