Course description
The aim of the program is the training of informatics experts capable of elaborating, introducing, operating, maintaining, developing, and applying soft ware-oriented information technology equipment and systems either individually or in teamwork. Furthermore, the acquired theoretical knowledge will enable graduates to continue their studies in second cycle M.Sc. programs.
The ideal candidate is open to novelties, logical thinking, creativity, ready to learn the latest achievements of informatics, likes programming, interested in the operation of computers, computer networks, internet.
Having completed program design and informatics major our students mostly find programmer, tester or system supervisor jobs. A lot of them work in Budapest, others in Miskolc or Eger, and several of them abroad. A usual PDI BSc career starts by spending 2-3 years as a junior programmer or tester, then with 4-5 years senior programmer or tester experience one can become a technology advisor or project manager. Finally one can be a system organiser, office manager or even division manager. Although even the starting salary is above the average, these stages result in higher and higher salary and a system organiser can earn over a million a month.
The major is supported by Microsoft IT Academy and Cisco Network Academy, where highly accepted subsidised courses can be done to complete wide scope of the major. The department also provides Web-programmer post-secondary courses which can be done either after completing B.Sc program or parallel.
After graduation it is possible to continue studies in second cycle Informatics MSc program or those interested in teaching can aquire an Informatics Teacher MA degree.
Focus of the training
Informatics is the fastest developing area. The rapid changes are covered by a young teacher staff and flexible educational curriculum. Basic subjects, eg. Algoritm are taught in the first half of studies to give base for the whole of information technology. In the second half special subjects are taught required by industry, eg. XML base. Important aim of the course is to prepar for Informatics Teacher MA and PDI MSc second cycle programs and its is largely practice oriented. During their studies our students get to know several firms at our TechDay events (see:, at summer scholarships, scientific work or innovation projects.
Having completed special stages required by profession students acquire:
- Data modells (elaboration of database systems, advanced DBMS knowledge)
- Systems (efficiency assessment of systems, server administration, dynamic web programming, CISCO CCNAI)
- Computer graphics and geometrics (computer graphics, Graphics systems, geometric modelling, multimedia)
- Mathematics methods in informatics (computer statistics II., operational research II., Cryptography, Computer algebra systems)
- Artificial intelligence (neural networks, dialog informatics systems, logics programming, base of robotics)
General information
- Name of qualification in the degree: Computer Program Designer
- Course length: 3 years, 6 semesters, 180 credits
- Form of study: Full-time and correspondence training
- Language requirements: Intermediate, complex (oral and written) exam in a language which has professional literature.
- No special entry requirement.
Special features: During the course it is possible to spend one or two semesters abroad by Erasmus scholarship. Subjects completed abroad are acknowledged. Erasmus students are also supported by Lyceum Pro Scientiis Fund of the College and Abacus Fund of Mathematics and Informatics Department. Most students spend a semester at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, but there is a possibility to study in Germany, Slovakia, Romania or the Netherlands as well.
Dr. Kovács Emőd, Head of department, emod [kukac] ektf [dot] hu
Information Technology department
EKF Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Address: 3300. Eger, Leányka u.4.
Tel/fax: 36-520-486