


Dr. Antal Károly

Tanári adatok

Diploma, tudományos fokozat
  • ELTE matematikus
  • PhD: 2002, ELTE
főiskolai docens
Kutatási témák
  • Talamokortikális neuronok multikompartmentális modellezése
  • Emri Z, Antal K, Crunelli V. (1996) Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid decreases thalamic sensory excitatory postsynaptic potentials by an action on presynaptic GABA-B receptors. Neurosci Lett. 216(2):121-124.
  • Antal K, Emri Z, Toth TI, Crunelli V. (1997) Model of a thalamocortical neurone with dendritic voltage-gated ion channels. Neuroreport. 8(4):1063-1066.
  • Emri Z, Antal K, Toth TI, Cope DW, Crunelli V. (2000) Backpropagation of the delta oscillation and the retinal excitatory postsynaptic potential in a multi-compartment model of thalamocortical neurons. Neuroscience. 98(1):111-127.
  • Antal K, Emri Z, Crunelli V. (2001) On the invasion of distal dendrites of thalamocortical neurones by action potentials and sensory EPSPs. Thalamus & Related Systems. 1:105-116.
  • Emri Z, Antal K, Gulyas AI, Megias M, Freund TF. (2001) Electrotonic profile and passive propagation of synaptic potentials in three subpopulations of hippocampal CA1 interneurons. Neuroscience. 104(4):1013-1026.
  • Nyikos L, Lasztoczi B, Antal K, Kovacs R, Kardos J. (2003) Desynchronisation of spontaneously recurrent experimental seizures proceeds with a single rhythm. Neuroscience. 121(3):705-717.
  • Emri Z, Antal K, Crunelli V. (2003) The impact of corticothalamic feedback on the output dynamics of a thalamocortical neurone model: the role of synapse location and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Neuroscience. 117(1):229-239.
  • Lasztoczi B, Antal K, Nyikos L, Emri Z, Kardos J. (2004) High-frequency synaptic input contributes to seizure initiation in the low-[Mg2+] model of epilepsy. Eur J Neurosci. 19(5):1361-1372.
  • Barabas P, Antal K, Kardos J. (2004) Light-adaptation attenuates the effects of phosphodiesterase blockade by Zaprinast in the isolated rat retina. Neurosci Lett. 357(3):195-198.
  • Arabadzisz D, Antal K, Parpan F, Emri Z, Fritschy JM. (2005) Epileptogenesis and chronic seizures in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy are associated with distinct EEG patterns and selective neurochemical alterations in the contralateral hippocampus. Exp Neurol. 194(1):76-90.
  • Nyitrai G, Puskas L, Antal K, Takacs V, Sass M, Juhasz G, Kardos J, Palkovits M. (2005) Preconditioning-specific reduction of c-fos expression in hippocampal granule and pyramidal but not other forebrain neurons of ischemic brain: a quantitative immunohistochemical study. Neurosci Lett. 381(3):344-349.
  • Tóth V, Antal K, Gyémánt Gy, Miskei M, Pócsi I, Emri T. (2009) Optimization of coprogen production in Neurospora crassa. Acta Biologica Hungarica 60:321-328.
  • Molnar T, Antal K, Nyitrai G, Emri Z. (2009) [gamma]-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) induces GABAB receptor independent intracellular Ca2+ transients in astrocytes, but has no effect on GHB or GABAB receptors of medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens, Neuroscience, 162(2):268-281.
  • Antal K (2009) Az aktivált szinapszisok eloszlásának hatása a talamokortikális sejtek kérgi és szenzoros  aktivációjának hatékonyságára, Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Biologiae, 36:57-65
  • Schwirtlich M, Emri Zs, Antal K, Máté Z, Katarova Z, Szabó G (2010) GABAA and GABAB receptors of distinct properties affect oppositely the proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cells through synergistic elevation of intracellular Ca2+ FASEB J. 24:1218-1228
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Biokémia és Molekuláris Biológia Tanszék